ATTENTION TV stations, cable companies and c-band satellite TV enthusiasts in EUROPE: C-band antenna shipments to EU member countries are now covered by CETA (Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement). This new Canada-Europe trade agreement eliminates almost all tariffs on our antenna products!
Owing to a low Canadian dollar and free trade to EU member countries, Tek2000 is uniquely positioned to supply EU member customers with high quality antenna products at very affordable prices. We design and stock our own antenna products in Canada, so whether you need a single antenna or a hundred, we got you covered.
Don’t let the freight charges scare you away. The cost of sea freight shipping to Western Europe today is almost as low as truck freight shipping to the USA for the same antenna shipment and it usually takes less than 15 days to arrive at your nearest port.
We stock both consumer and commercial antennas in a wide range of sizes: 6 ft, 8 ft, 10 ft, 12 ft, 13.5 ft and 15 ft.
Contact us for your quote today!