Tek2000 Tek2000

Product Index > Feeds > Commercial > Prime Focus > C Band (3.8 - 4.2 GHz)
 5G Rectangular Waveguide Post Filter


This is a commercial grade rectangular waveguide post filter used to reject 5G wireless signals from entering the feed system of a c-band dish and causing intermodulation distortion.

A mechanical filter like this one is absolutely necessary if you want to eliminate 5G interference. Mechanical waveguide filters achieve a much sharper frequency response than is possible with an electronic microstrip filter found in conventional LNBs and LNBFs.

Symptoms of 5G interference include: complete signal loss on some or all satellites or partial signal degradation on a single transponder and normal performance on the rest. Our waveguide filter is guaranteed to reject all interference sources below 3.8 GHz and above 4.2 GHz.

Note: If you are experiencing heavy 5G interference that blacks out almost all satellite transponders, then using a mechanical waveguide post filter is the only practical method that will fully recover your c-band satellite reception.

Note: This waveguide filter was field tested 400-ft from a 5G wireless transmitter in a major metropolitan area on a 12-ft satellite dish. It recovered all affected satellite transponders. In the unlikely event that you do not recover all transponders, simply add a 2nd waveguide post filter (sold separately) for additional interference suppression.

Note: Recommended for cable head-ends and TV/Radio stations that require reliable c-band reception. It can also be used by backyard satellite enthusiasts who are unhappy with the performance of under performing consumer grade 5G LNBF filter solutions.

Note: No need to break the bank and buy brand name waveguide filters that cost thousands of dollars and do not perform any better than our filter.


  • Precision cast-aluminum construction
  • Compact form factor allows it to fit under most feed covers
  • 5G anti-interference mechanical post filter
  • Low insertion loss and high stop band rejection


  • Rectangular Waveguide Post Filter
  • Weather seal
  • Mounting Screws

Price: $299.00 USD

 Add-on Options

1. Feed Horn

 Dual Output C-Band Feedhorn
    [add $189.00 USD]
 Single C-Band Feedhorn
    [add $139.00 USD]


2. LNB

 C-Band Single Output (5G) Ortho LNB
    [add $100.00 USD]


3. Switch

 13-18 Voltage Switch
    [add $39.00 USD]


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Material Aluminum
Color White
Finish Durable flake-resistant coating
Filter Response 
Filter Type Bandpass
Filter Construction Mechanical with posts
Pass Band Frequency 3800-4200 MHz
Filter Insertion Loss <0.4 dB
Return Loss >18 dB
Inhibition >60 dB @ 3750 MHz
Output Connector 75 Ohm F Type
Shipping Details 
Single Box 8"x6"x6" Rectangular (10 lbs)

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