Tek2000 Tek2000

Product Index > Feeds > Consumer > Prime Focus > Ku Band (10.7 - 12.75 GHz)
 Ku-Band Prime Focus Linear LNBF


Our latest Ku-Band Prime-Focus LNBF featuring high gain, low noise and excellent stability. This LNBF will broaden the feed beam for correct illumination of a C-band dish.

This LNBF is matched for a dish f/D = (0.35 - 0.45) to give you the right illumination to receive Ku band satellite signals on a prime-focus 180cm, 210cm, 240cm, 300cm, 350cm or 400cm dish.

NOTE: Use this LNBF to turn your prime-focus reflector into a POWERFUL ku-band prime focus dish!

NOTE: Do NOT make the mistake of using an offset ku LNBF (f/D = 0.6) on a prime focus dish (f/D = 0.38) because only a small part of the reflector will be illuminated and signal gain will be limited.

NOTE: If you have a spare C-band dish sitting around, this is the LNBF you need to convert it to a POWERFUL ku-band antenna to catch those weak and elusive ku-band signals. Works with both solid and mesh antennas.


  • Precision cast-aluminum construction
  • High-Gain and Low-Noise
  • 9.75 GHz and 10.6 GHz L.O.


  • Ku Prime-Focus LNBF
  • Scalar Ring
  • Mounting Screws

Price: $139.00 USD

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Ku Band 
Ku-Band Polarity Linear (Vertical and Horizontal)
Ku-Band L.O. 9.75 and 10.6 GHz
Ku-Band Input 10.7 - 12.2 GHz
Ku-Band Gain ~65dB
Noise Figure ~0.2dB
V polarity 13V
H polarity 18V
Output Connector 75 Ohm F Type
Shipping Details 
Single Box 10"x8"x6" Rectangular (3 lbs)

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