Tek2000 Tek2000

Product Index > Feeds > Commercial > Prime Focus > C Band (3.8 - 4.2 GHz)
 Dual C-Band (5G) Orthogonal Feedhorn with mini LNBs


Dual C-Band orthogonal feed featuring anti-interference 5G bandpass filter. If your antenna is located near a 5G wireless tower transmitting power in the 3.5-3.8 GHz microwave band, it will overwhelm the small amount of power coming from the communications satellite resulting in intermodulation signal interference.

Symptoms of 5G interference include: complete signal loss on some or all satellites or partial signal degradation on a few satellite transponders and normal performance on the rest. To combat such intereference, this LNBF utilizes a 2nd order band-pass filter between 3.8-4.2 GHz and rejects all noise sources below 3.8 GHz and above 4.2 GHz.

This dual C-Band orthogonal feed can be used for simultaneous reception of vertical and horizontal polarities.

It separates the vertical and horizontal polarities and conducts them to their own waveguides. It includes two mini LNBs which bolt to the end of the waveguides.

This feed setup is typically used by cable head-ends to allow switching of both polarities to multiple decoders/receivers. You can also use it for a consumer satellite receiver setup by using a 13-18V voltage switch (sold separately below).

Note: This product works well for rejecting light 5G interference. Examples of such interference includes picture pixelation and audio screeching on some transponders over the satellite arc.

Note: If you are experiencing heavy signal interference on most or all transponders across the satellite arc, then you must also purchase a mechanical waveguide post filter (sold separately below) that has a much sharper filter cutoff response and extremely high stop band rejection. This latter solution is highly recommended for TV and Radio stations.


  • Precision cast-aluminum construction
  • Anti-interference Filter
  • Low-noise mini LNBs
  • Fits under most feed covers


  • Dual C-Band Feedhorn
  • Scalar Ring
  • Two mini LNBs (5G Anti-Interference)
  • Mounting Screws
  • Weather seals

Price: $299.00 USD

 Add-on Options

1. Filter

 5G Rectangular Waveguide Post Filter
    [add $299.00 USD]


2. Switch

 13-18 Voltage Switch
    [add $39.00 USD]


3. Feed Cover

 Feed Cover for C-Band Dish
    [add $119.00 USD]


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Material Aluminum
Color Coffee brown
Finish Durable flake-resistant coating
C-Band Polarity Linear (Vertical or Horizontal)
L.O. Frequency 5150 MHz
L.O. Stability 1.0MHz (Typ)
RF Input 3.8GHz - 4.2GHz
RF Output 950MHz - 1350MHz
C-Band Gain ~65dB (Typ)
Noise Figure ~14K - 17K (Typ)
L.O. Phase Noise 65dBc/Hz @1kHz (Min)
Input VSWR 2:1
Filter Response 
Filter Type Bandpass
Pass Band Frequency 3800-4200 MHz
Filter Insertion Loss <0.3 dB
Return Loss >18 dB
Inhibition >30 dB @ 3750 MHz
LNB ON 13V - 24V
DiseqC Settings None
22kHz Tone Settings None
Output Connector 75 Ohm F Type

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